• Internet connectivity, delivered by partner Speedcast, leveraging Eutelsat OneWeb’s Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites combined with the Kymeta
    antenna, has been confirmed to be perfectly operational on a 70 mt superyacht in Turkey
  • OneWeb, through its network of LEO satellites, guarantees a unique fluidity of service in terms of
    speed and security
  • Videoworks provides OneWeb solutions via Speedcast, specifically for the yachting world
  • Videoworks offers its customers solutions that integrate the LEO service, hardware infrastructure and
    on-board IT distribution

With 25 years of experience and a history of hundreds of innovative audio/video, entertainment, IT, lighting & comfort systems installed on superyachts sailing around the world, Videoworks has always set itself the goal of responding to the most demanding requests of shipowners and shipping companies, implementing the latest on-board connectivity technologies for entertainment and for the professional
needs of shipowners.

Having an Internet connection as good as the connection enjoyed at home or in the office is the dream of every shipowner and all their guests. Not only does it mean enjoying shows and films on demand during leisure time as if you were in the living room of your villa, but it is also great for business, because you can manage a conference call in the middle of the ocean without having to return to port or interrupt your holiday. The advent of LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellites has radically changed the on-board audio-video experience and Videoworks was immediately ready for this new scenario, with the aim of being a unique and competent partner, from the satellite to the TV remote control.

Videoworks provides LEO Connectivity in the yachting industry thanks to Speedcast,  an authorized distribution partner of OneWeb. The tests, initially carried out in the Ancona facility and, later, on board a 70-metre superyacht in Turkey, confirm the high efficiency and stability of the system. Turkey is a particularly complex area because it is not covered by
other broadband satellite systems. Videoworks managed the installation and commissioning of the OneWeb system with single Kymeta Peregrine U8 antenna. Three days of testing, with 11 streaming platforms active simultaneously, showed a constant performance of 100 megabits/sec in download and 20 megabits/sec in upload.

The OneWeb airtime service uses two hardware platforms, Kymeta Peregrine U8 and Intellian OW11FM, which are both flat units. The dual motorised solution with 70cm disc is also available. Based on the antenna plan and the desired bandwidth and data capacity, the configuration can be based on single or double flat antenna. In addition to deploying technical skills, Videoworks advises customers on how to create tailor-made solutions as close as possible to the shipowners’ expectations.

The excellent results of the initial tests and the application in the field did not surprise the Videoworks technicians: OneWeb’s ambition is to produce professional maritime broadband solutions that can be adapted to the needs of superyachts at any latitude in the world. This global connectivity of the highest quality allows captains, crew and guests on board yachts of the latest generation to access, at sea, all the cloud-based applications now required for both business and leisure activities.

LEO technology has latencies similar to terrestrial 5G type communications, which simplifies the integration between different data sources and the delivery of a high bandwidth capacity and system fluidity. Unlike other LEO (Starlink) and 5G services, OneWeb offers a guaranteed minimum bandwidth regulated by the Service Level Agreement (SLA) and is a professional product for people seeking a stable and secure connection. 5G and Starlink are fully open networks, while OneWeb applies firewalls, hacker controls and security measures that guarantee its reliability and privacy, including when conversations are highly confidential.

The distinguishing feature of the Videoworks offer is the completeness of the all-included package it can provide, from the choice of antenna, which can be traditional (motorised or flat), to on-board systems (with the network above all), optimised according to the type of yacht and the needs of the owner. All
the installation of the system is carried out by Videoworks, which also offers a 365/24/7 assistance service, both for ordinary and extraordinary maintenance. This avoids triangulation between service provider and network support. For the shipowner, all this transforms into simplified technical management, with everything provided by one single interlocutor. This is also important for charter companies that operate worldwide throughout the year.
In its commitment to always respond fully and completely to all the shipowner’s requests, Videoworks complements the OneWeb LEO system offer with all the other solutions available on the market: Starlink, 5G, Vsat, Iridium. The goal is to always offer the best according to the needs of the owner.

PRESS OFFICE Sand People Communication

Ursula Brzoska – M. +39 333 3992874 E. videoworks@sandpeoplecommunication.com