“Videoworks is among Samsung’s top 10 Italian Platinum Partners”.
Videoworks, Italian leader in the realization and integration of audio/video, entertainment and IT systems, has been chosen by Samsung to be among their 10 Italian Platinum Partners and, hence, to be able to offer a full service to its clients:
Planning and sale of spare parts at competitive prices, installation and direct assistance in Italy thanks to its professional technicians. A fast and cost-effective service.
With over 70 years of experience in the sector, Samsung is a worldwide tech leader and offers a full range of products and solutions. The union with Videoworks will enable the client to have a single and direct interface/reference that is capable of answering all of its needs, from the purchase to after-sales assistance, all done in a customized and efficient way.
And it’s not over. Videoworks, as a Platinum Partner, will be able to offer its clients all of Samsung’s technology at favorable prices, in addition to special offers, product previews and technical training, aimed at an ever greater rate of client satisfaction.